howdy...... i bless you with warm and comfort day all week ....
yup today i am here... at my blog... doing what? updating of cos.... you smarty might alr know this
as at today, fourth day of school i am totally exhausted...
exhaustion comes with something else..... the need to seek fun..
yup i am damn bored.. but what to do... i found my ways to kill it eventually..
not interesting to say though .. shall move on..
chi bi the second episode is coming OUT!!! finally.. been wanting to watch it.. but it seems this time round, i have no company.. they are busy... sigh..
guess i have only my book to turn to... maybe it is a time for me to enhance my knowledge.. but grrrrr.............................................................. i need motivation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dampen way too much by thing happening ard ........
mum is gonna be away... this time round i am alone at home again.... i have all the time i want and peace to do studying and reading and whatever i want....
but......... hehe if you know what it means :P
i wonder if there will be anything up this weekend...
now i have no more cca... completed salsa.. can pursue for more cos only intermediate level...
damn boring shit... gonna consider joining one cca soon...
i got piano, guitar, hip hop so far on my want to learn list...for fun maybe singing, for some free ktv session or lobang lol...
language includes malay, japanese... still persist.. still learning bit by bit.... my brain and concentration level is not that good to not exhaust my time and learn it all in a short time... too bad..
motivation level aside too that is lol...
1 1/2 yrs... left... i have to do what i feel like to do... cos i can picture what my life after schooling life is...
with working only full time, it be work, off, work off... tired, home, tv,sleep...
with gng back to help my dad, its even worse......
learn malay, learn legal documents and procedures, drive, manage cars and petrol, budget, rest day also equal to working days, socialise ard, coffee, smile, handle tough customer,learn machines and its uses and specification, all sub business handling eventually as times goes by i guess, handle fraud and cheat, handle fake faces all around, worst of all.. handle my dad temper short... i have to be what people call "wen wu shuang quan" and its tiring....
but i dunno what will my dad put me specifically in charge of just as yet.. but eventually, if none of my bro gonna take up, he willl have me to in charge and help out only loh.. . that is if i were to go back help out and if i am good enough first.... keke... not sure if i really need to go back or not just as yet..or rather, want to or not lol... still choosing..
what i got to do now... is keep improving myself, try out things for an experience in future to prepare myself for the future...
did and tested, some things just wouldn't work out...tried and gave up, some things just couldn't change....
i gonna suffer in future... thats the prediction as per current performance.....
as worried as i can get, i cant help it but to maximise my time as a student to seek fun while i can..... making my parents worried about my maturity that is lol....
alright... be gone... shoosh...... do some reading bah.
.. bb