Thursday, July 2, 2009


OMG... disaster..... school have started!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and what disaster have just happened? my hands are going to declare detached soon..

but actually..

seriously speaking..

life in school is pretty routine and boring..

nothing special happen..


actually nothing.. lol

football in class without a ball counted?
people celebrating birthday counted?<--but i not involve
"happily" writing notes down counted?

so in view of all these, i find its rather bored so...
i decide to pop by ulu pandan campus to learn a new dance call bachata.. 2 lesson only anyway..

going soon.. after that i dunno..

maybe.. tmr and the day after might go out alone for fun.. rather bored anyway.. weekend dunno anyone will be available or not.. yawn i nv ask everytime anyway haha..whos free?

alright nth else to write.. just scram off now jy..

till then.. tata

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